Gongshan Island Resort
Hospitality / Resorts | Suzhou | China | Design Completed
Service : Master Planning & Architecture Concept
Size (GFA) : 42,000 m²
The Gongshan Island Resort site is located on a private island in the northeast of Taihu Lake, and sits serenely amongst the tea terraces that are an inherent part of this natural habitat. HBAarchitecture chose to celebrate both the lake and tea farm to create a magical and truly unique project with multiple layers of design and experience.
The 100-room resort is conceptualized from within the existing tea farm; each component nestled in harmony with the tea terraces. The tea farm becomes the consistent background element enveloping the resort to create a calm and surreal setting while allowing the architecture components to become foreground elements with a strong visual presence.
The tea farm terracing inspired the creation of three platforms containing the various resort components as a series of villages. The villages are connected to the lobby or town centre by a network of trails designed to provide a variety of framed vistas and experiences that delight.
All guestrooms and major public spaces offer unobstructed views to Taihu Lake. Outdoor activities have been strategically placed throughout the island to create a variety of unique and memorable experiences.